RMS Communications, Inc.  

Music Services


  • Fast Food Restaurants
  • Hotels
  • Corporate
  • Medical
  • Restaurant Music & Video
  • Gas Station Retailers

Music and Marketing on Hold

  • Promotes a company's image
  • Builds a positive first impression
  • Professional scripting
  • Professional male or female voice talent
  • Professionally produced and digitally recorded
  • State-of-the-art digital message systems
  • On hold program pricing customized to accommodate any client's needs

Commercial Customers
(A Partial List)

Citarella Fine Foods

Johnny D's Diner

Pan Gregorian Enterprises of Upper New York

Alta East, Inc.

Rondout Savings Bank

The Garrison

Broadway Plaza Hotel

Signet Staging

The Haymaker Restaurant

Eastchester Fish Gourmet

Scott Jordan Furniture

ENT and Allergy Associates

Hudson Valley Federal
Credit Union

Prickly Pear Island
(A good friend in Antigua whom you should look up when you're in the Caribbean!)

HDTV in Dining Room

HDTV above Coffee Kiosk

HDTV above Coffee Kiosk

HDTV above Coffee Kiosk

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tel 845-265-2420, fax 845-265-4556, toll-free 1-800-765-9304